There are so many ways to be part of the worship services at St. John's! From being the friendly face that folks first meet at the door, to carrying the candles or the cross, to serving at the altar during the communion, even offering tech services for audio and video. It's an amazing way to experience the gospel each week.
Not just for children! Assist with worship services by carrying the cross, carrying torches, ringing the Sanctus bells, helping set up the altar for Holy Communion, etc. You wear vestments for the service and sit near the altar. Training is provided; less than 1 hour to get started with additional training as you gain experience. Depending on the number of active acolytes we have available, you may be asked to serve at two or three services per month.
Altar Guild prepares the church for services every week. Each Altar Guild team is on duty every fourth weekend. The team meets on a Friday or Saturday for about an hour to set up the Eucharist, fill candles with oil, polish brass and silver as needed, etc. On Sunday, the team supplies one or two people to help after the service they attend, to wash up and set out communion for the next service. Otherwise the commitment doesn’t take a lot of time. For holidays, all of us volunteer for times we can help. New members receive training and mentoring. Altar Guild is a lovely way to serve God and your church. Contact us to find out how to serve.
Read the Epistle, lead the Prayers of the People, and administer the Chalice in Holy Communion. You wear vestments for the service and sit behind the altar. Training is provided, about 1 hour to get started with additional training as you gain experience. After you have received training, you will be licensed by the Diocese of Texas for this role. Depending on the number of active lay servers we have available, you may be asked to serve at two or three services per month.
Read the Old Testament lesson and, at the 8:30 AM service, lead the Psalm. You aren’t vested, and you can sit where you wish in the pews. Training requirements are minimal. Depending on the number of active lectors we have available, you may be asked to serve at one or two services per month.
Take Holy Communion to home-bound members of our parish and to nearby assisted living facilities. Training is provided. After you have received training, you will be licensed by the Diocese of Texas for this role. You must be able to provide your own transportation. Eucharistic visitors may serve as often as every week.
Vergers plan services and manage the logistics of services so that the Clergy can focus on spiritual and pastoral concerns. Experienced Lay Servers and Worship Leaders may be invited by the Rector to serve as Vergers. Training is via a course provided by the national Vergers’ Guild and includes an apprenticeship of at least one year. Membership in the VGEC (Vergers’ Guild of the Episcopal Church) is highly recommended. Vergers typically serve at one or two 11:00 AM services per month and may serve at other times as needed. Their behind-the-scenes responsibilities are continuous.
Lead services such as Morning and Evening Prayer or Compline that do not require an ordained priest or deacon. Training is required. After you have completed training, you will be licensed by the Diocese of Texas for this role. Worship leaders are typically asked to serve at the Wednesday evening services during Lent and may serve at other times as needed.
Support the Sunday services and other events by hosting Zoom meetings; operating cameras for our online/hybrid services, recording the sermon, controlling the sound mixer board for the clergy microphones, choir and instrumentalists, and so forth. Minimal “On the Job” training is required and provided.
Please CONTACT US if you are interested in serving in any of these roles.
Not just for children! Assist with worship services by carrying the cross, carrying torches, ringing the Sanctus bells, helping set up the altar for Holy Communion, etc. You wear vestments for the service and sit near the altar. Training is provided; less than 1 hour to get started with additional training as you gain experience. Depending on the number of active acolytes we have available, you may be asked to serve at two or three services per month.
Altar Guild prepares the church for services every week. Each Altar Guild team is on duty every fourth weekend. The team meets on a Friday or Saturday for about an hour to set up the Eucharist, fill candles with oil, polish brass and silver as needed, etc. On Sunday, the team supplies one or two people to help after the service they attend, to wash up and set out communion for the next service. Otherwise the commitment doesn’t take a lot of time. For holidays, all of us volunteer for times we can help. New members receive training and mentoring. Altar Guild is a lovely way to serve God and your church. Contact us to find out how to serve.
Read the Epistle, lead the Prayers of the People, and administer the Chalice in Holy Communion. You wear vestments for the service and sit behind the altar. Training is provided, about 1 hour to get started with additional training as you gain experience. After you have received training, you will be licensed by the Diocese of Texas for this role. Depending on the number of active lay servers we have available, you may be asked to serve at two or three services per month.
Read the Old Testament lesson and, at the 8:30 AM service, lead the Psalm. You aren’t vested, and you can sit where you wish in the pews. Training requirements are minimal. Depending on the number of active lectors we have available, you may be asked to serve at one or two services per month.
Take Holy Communion to home-bound members of our parish and to nearby assisted living facilities. Training is provided. After you have received training, you will be licensed by the Diocese of Texas for this role. You must be able to provide your own transportation. Eucharistic visitors may serve as often as every week.
Vergers plan services and manage the logistics of services so that the Clergy can focus on spiritual and pastoral concerns. Experienced Lay Servers and Worship Leaders may be invited by the Rector to serve as Vergers. Training is via a course provided by the national Vergers’ Guild and includes an apprenticeship of at least one year. Membership in the VGEC (Vergers’ Guild of the Episcopal Church) is highly recommended. Vergers typically serve at one or two 11:00 AM services per month and may serve at other times as needed. Their behind-the-scenes responsibilities are continuous.
Lead services such as Morning and Evening Prayer or Compline that do not require an ordained priest or deacon. Training is required. After you have completed training, you will be licensed by the Diocese of Texas for this role. Worship leaders are typically asked to serve at the Wednesday evening services during Lent and may serve at other times as needed.
Support the Sunday services and other events by hosting Zoom meetings; operating cameras for our online/hybrid services, recording the sermon, controlling the sound mixer board for the clergy microphones, choir and instrumentalists, and so forth. Minimal “On the Job” training is required and provided.
Please CONTACT US if you are interested in serving in any of these roles.