Confirmation & Reception

In Confirmation a person makes a mature profession of faith and is welcomed into full membership in the church by the Bishop with a blessing. Reception is a mature profession of faith made by a person confirmed in another denomination who desires to become a full member of the Episcopal Church. Both Confirmation and Reception bestow rights of voting and serving in particular church ministries.
Confirmation and Reception are offered when the Bishop visits St. John’s.
For more information, contact the church office at 512-580-0200.
Confirmation and Reception are offered when the Bishop visits St. John’s.
For more information, contact the church office at 512-580-0200.
baptismHoly Baptism begins the Christian life with water and the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ. It is a public declaration of the deliberate decision to follow the path of Jesus. In the case of infant baptism, it is a statement of the intention of parents to raise a child in the way of Jesus. The bond that God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble; so baptism is administered only once. LEARN MORE
quinceañeraThe transition from childhood to woman is an important event in almost any culture. Hispanics, however, mark this momentous occasion with the celebration of a tradition of Quinceañera. St. John's is proud to offer this joyful celebration in the life of a family. LEARN MORE
funeralsThe liturgy for the dead honors grief and celebrates the joy of life and the resurrection. Jesus, himself, wept over the death of a loved one, and gifted us with the resurrection. The service is characterized by both this understanding of loss, and a celebration of life. LEARN MORE
marriageWe welcome all couples, church members and non-church members, to be married at St. John's Episcopal Church. Weddings require preparation in addition to scheduling, including pastoral counseling, and additional requirements for those who have been previously married. LEARN MORE