You may sign up to dedicate Sunday altar flowers by filling out the flower chart in the narthex, or by using the form below. Dedications may be made in thanksgiving for special times (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.), or in memory of those close to you who have died. Multiple dedications on any given Sunday are acceptable.
If you have listed your flower dedication on the flower chart in the narthex, you do not need to repeat it on this form.
The suggested donation for a dedication is $60. However, we know that some would like to give more and some can only give less. All dedications will be honored and any donations will be appreciated.
If you use the flower chart in the narthex to make your dedication and wish to make a donation, please use the provided envelopes. If you are using this form for your dedication and wish to make a donation, please click on the "online donation" box below.
If you have listed your flower dedication on the flower chart in the narthex, you do not need to repeat it on this form.
The suggested donation for a dedication is $60. However, we know that some would like to give more and some can only give less. All dedications will be honored and any donations will be appreciated.
If you use the flower chart in the narthex to make your dedication and wish to make a donation, please use the provided envelopes. If you are using this form for your dedication and wish to make a donation, please click on the "online donation" box below.