Funerals and Memorial Services

Funerals and Memorial Services in the Episcopal Church are a proclamation of the resurrection. Our funeral rites assist us in mourning, offer prayers for the deceased and those who mourn, and remind us that because Jesus was raised from the dead, we too shall be raised.
If you are in need of a funeral or memorial service, please contact the church office as soon as possible at 512-580-0200. The availability of the church and priest is subject to schedules.
You may review the St. John's Funeral Planning & Information Worksheet for more information.
Click here to download the worksheet.
If you are in need of a funeral or memorial service, please contact the church office as soon as possible at 512-580-0200. The availability of the church and priest is subject to schedules.
You may review the St. John's Funeral Planning & Information Worksheet for more information.
Click here to download the worksheet.
confirmationConfirmation is the laying on of hands by a bishop when individuals reach an age when ready to make a mature commitment to a life of faith. Those baptized at an early age, adults baptized without a bishop, and those being baptized in the presence of bishop may join in the ancient tradition of the laying on of hands that stretches back to the first disciplines of Jesus.
baptismHoly Baptism begins the Christian life with water and the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ. It is a public declaration of the deliberate decision to follow the path of Jesus. In the case of infant baptism, it is a statement of the intention of parents to raise a child in the way of Jesus. The link that God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble; so baptism is administered only once.
marriageWe welcome all couples, church members and non-church members, to be married at St. John's Episcopal Church. Weddings require preparation in addition to scheduling, including pastoral counseling, and additional requirements for those who have been previously married. LEARN MORE
quinceañerasThe transition from childhood to woman is an important event in almost any culture. Hispanics, however, mark this momentous occasion with the celebration of a tradition of Quinceañera. St. John's is proud to offer this joyful celebration in the life of a family. LEARN MORE