Putting the heart into relocation services
Working with refugees is heartwarming & rewarding!
Many people at St. John’s take part in our ministry’s activities. Ask any parishioner who has worked with our ministry why they do it, and the words “rewarding” and “service” frequently come up. About Us
SJRM works with Refugee Services of Texas to help refugees coming to Austin to find a welcoming place, friendly faces, support, and friendship. |
What do we do?
Many people at St. John’s take part in our ministry’s activities.
“Working with our refugee families who are Muslim, sitting and talking to them for hours, chatting on Facebook, break bread with them, sharing faith stories and family stories, I have developed new, deep friendships with warm -hearted faithful people.” –Laurie Williams How can you take part in this ministry?
How much time does it take?
The question should be: “How much time do I have to give?” We have no minimum requirements for participation.